lisa's reviews

Reading is the only thing in the world I am good at. A lifetime of reading, fifteen years of working in bookstores, and libraries, and an obsession with the written word makes me qualified enough to talk someone's ear off about books.  Now I am getting more ARCs than I have room for in the house.  Let me get back to reading them!

White Crocodile - K. T. Medina
  I was pretty disappointed with this book. I had hoped it would focus more on the people of Cambodia and their beliefs, but it was mostly about British citizens trying to de-mine a certain area of Cambodia, and who uncover a "mystery" of why-oh-why destitute, single, teenage mothers are going missing? It became a little ridiculous after awhile.

Also, although I get that Tess was a battered woman who had an unhealthy co-dependent relationship with her abusive husband, I still don't understand why she would fly around the world to go to a war-torn third world country just because her husband "sounded afraid" on the phone.